
Author: admin


A tidy kitchen equals a tidy mind

Working in a kitchen can mean working in a highly pressurised environment. Food needs to be cooked and served quickly to meet the demands of numerous customers at the same time, while continuously taking care to maintain the utmost quality. Then there is the need to always be mindful of safety with knives, numerous heat

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Safety recommendations in the commercial kitchen

Safety has got to be a number one priority in every kitchen but what exactly are the requirements by law? While established kitchens are no doubt on top of their health and safety obligations it can be very daunting for a new kitchen that is just opening up. The regulations are put in place to

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Take inspiration from celebrity kitchens

For keen chefs at home and in the workplace kitchens are a sanctuary where the best tools and equipment bring their skills to life. Celebrity kitchens offer up a constant source of inspiration and envy to those watching them either whip up a dish on the TV or having a peek around a home backed

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Go above and beyond to reassure customers with food allergies

Food allergies are serious and anyone working in the catering industry needs to be aware of their legal responsibilities to protect customers. When exposure to a certain food can mean the difference between life or death kitchens need to be able to answer whether they can or cannot guarantee a customer’s safety. Following legislation introduced

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The secret to healthy food and great presentation: Steaming

Health is always a big issue where food is concerned and with a rise in awareness there has been a shift in cooking techniques to make steaming a popular choice. Food is the fuel that keeps our bodies functioning and it only makes sense that people should be vigilant about they choose to eat. With

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Why it is important to keep your extractor hood clean

It goes without saying that keeping food preparation areas clean is of the utmost importance but this is just as true for the component parts of a kitchen. Every aspect of the kitchen contributes towards its functionality and needs to be considered in terms of health and safety and the extractor hood is no exception.

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A natural solution to keeping the kitchen clean

Cleanliness is absolutely essential in a kitchen to stave off the threat of contamination but also to keep pests at bay. While chemical cleaners do a fantastic job at leaving kitchen surfaces sparkling and bacteria-free, using large amounts of these substances can leave some people feeling uneasy. While their cleaning power is undoubted, substances such

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Maintaining quality frozen food in your commercial kitchen

Where would we be without the benefits of convenience and storage bought by frozen food – be it in your home kitchen or a commercial kitchen? The method of freezing food preserves it for longer periods and helps to maintain its flavour, quality and nutrients. No preservatives are added because the act of freezing itself

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Can you find love in a kitchen? Well, possibly. Although make sure you watch out for sharp corners. If you are to find everlasting love in your kitchen, the first step is obvious – you need to fall in love with the kitchen itself. If you are a homeowner, or more pertinently, a commercial venture

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