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Food Waste

Reduce waste in your commercial kitchen

Food waste is becoming more and more of a global issue. It is estimated that 1,3 billion tonnes, 40% of which originate from commercial kitchens and other food companies, are wasteful globally. The waste has food that might, together with other non-food things such as sweets, plastic plates, disposable utensils, paper drawers, and other items,

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kitchen catering equipment

Points To Consider When Buying Kitchen Equipment

Starting a food company is a huge step, so make sure you have the proper kitchen catering equipment for your requirements. Let caterline provide you with some helpful point to consider when buying kitchen equipment. The kitchen is the core of every food business; making it work effectively is considerably more difficult without the correct

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Kitchen Flooring

A Guide To Commercial Kitchen Flooring

At Caterline, we believe commercial kitchen flooring is affected by many different factors, including high temperatures, spillage, and heavy-duty cooking equipment. Because of this, it is essential to ensure that the floor in commercial kitchens is excellent. Use safety flooring to ensure minimal spillage; it should also be durable, comfortable, and should have infection control—this

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Designing a commercial kitchen

At Caterline, we believe there are numerous needs in a restaurant kitchen, so conduct some study prior to diving into the variables to consider when creating a commercial kitchen design. Where to Start When Designing a Commercial Kitchen Step 1: Involve Your Chef Your chef is extremely essential in the design phase. “No involvement from

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Which Commercial Kitchen Layout is Right for You?

At Caterline, we believe the kitchen is the powerhouse of every restaurant, it’s where all the magic happens and therefore, what comes out of it needs to be excellent to please customers. The kitchen’s layout determines how well the restaurant operates, when it is designed strategically it will have a positive impact and the team

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5 Key Areas To Consider When Designing A Commercial Kitchen

For a commercial kitchen to work it boils down to the initial commercial kitchen layout and kitchen design. Things like utensils being close to hand, doors opening the right way and there being a steady flow of preparing dishes – all things which reduce the potential for things and people to clash and best optimise

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Takeaway Kitchen Installation: Setting Up A Takeaway Food Business

This year has seen many challenges for the catering industry but food deliveries have thrived – if you are considering setting up a new business or adding a ‘to go’ option find out about takeaway kitchen installation. While restrictions have limited diners and even stopped trade altogether at times for dine in establishments, households have

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Choosing a Commercial Kitchen

Investing in a commercial kitchen is a substantial commitment, which means thoroughly planning what you need is essential. As well as the initial financial commitment, the success of your business will depend to an extent on how efficient your kitchen is in meeting orders. A wide menu choice, fast service and consistency rely heavily on

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commercial kitchen equipment

Keeping up to speed
with the demand for

The last six months have been a time of great upheaval for the hospitality industry yet as customers return more uncertainty lies ahead, which has seen many restaurants continue to offer takeaways. Whether it is a reluctance to go out, enjoying the comforts of home or not being able to go out due to self-isolating, takeaways continue to

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